
Maritime Data Methods for Safe Shipping

MaDaMe Horizontal Standard large

Inevitably, digitization has started to enter the core of maritime operations. The benefits of digitalization extend beyond just economic and operational advantages. In the areas of safety and environmental protection digital tools offer new opportunities for risk management and minimizing environmental impacts.

About the project

As the HELCOM assessment showed us, the transport of hazardous cargoes in the congested waters of the Baltic Sea is on the rise. All involved stakeholders need reliable information exchange and messaging service to ensure safe and sustainable shipping. The aim of the MaDaMe project is to support national authorities responsible for maritime traffic management in developing common, cyber-secure, digital transport infrastructure services in the Baltic Sea Region. The results of the project will improve the availability of information needed for safe shipping, increase innovative business development in the maritime sector and facilitate the shared use of maritime space. 

What will be done?

The following services and systems will be developed and later piloted during the project:

  • Digital Navigational Warnings
  • Digital Aids to Navigation (AtoN)
  • Digital VTS (Vessel Traffic Services)

The pilots, conducted on vessels operating in the Baltic Sea, will test the distribution of information on sea warnings, modifications and malfunctions as well as vessel traffic services in a standardized digital format directly to vessel navigation equipment. The service can be used to share up-to-date information on vessel movements to support crew decision-making. Enabling VDES (VHF Data Exchange System) and services using MCP (Maritime Connectivity Platform) which is currently being standardized internationally.

The digital service solutions developed in the project will be compiled into a user guide that end users can use in different ways: maritime authorities in the Baltic Sea region can use online training material to implement their services, companies can develop their new services, and shipping companies can use it to train their employees. The training material will also be freely available to other actors after the project has ended. 

Sternula in MaDaMe

In MaDaME, the targeted services (S-124, S-125 & S-212) will be carried from shore to ship and utilized by the crew to safely navigate. With Sternula’s help, the selected vessels will be able to receive these services via satellite connectivity and also via the mobile network when available using the Sternula MMS Proxy Ship unit. The scope of this project is to secure the path for these services to be transmitted over VDE-SAT, VDE-TER and LTE, exploiting the Sternula MMS Routing Solution and the Sternula MMS Proxy Shore unit.

As part of this project, Sternula is utilizing the given role as an active participant in standardization activities with organisations such as IALA, IMO or MCC

Together with the other partners, Sternula is pushing the agenda toward a more standardized way of transmitting data from shore to ship in a safe and efficient manner.


Current Status

The project was officially kicked off in November 2023 and it is scheduled to finish in October 2026.

For more information contact:

Adam Kalnický – Project Manager for MaDaMe

+45 50315537