AIS 2.0 (VDES), the extension of AIS, can be seen as a maritime Internet-of-Things (IoT) technology which is both very cheap and extremely secure.
AIS 2.0 adds real data channels to AIS and it combines coastal VHF radio and satellite connectivity into one global system working over the VHF antenna. This means that service providers can easily push information to ships or retrieve data from ships anywhere in the world.
Contact Sternula for more information about how you can exploit AIS 2.0 for better services to your customers.
AIS 2.0 is the combination of current AIS, which is a carriage requirement under the IMO SOLAS (Safety-of- life-at-Sea) convention, and the new VDES (VHF Data Exchange System) standard.
AIS is deployed today in more than 200,000 vessels. VDES adds new secure data channels, significantly more capacity, and global two-way connectivity via satellite.
The satellite element, which is what Sternula offers, is known as VDE-SAT. AIS 2.0 works over the existing VHF antenna and a newer AIS terminal (no extra satellite antenna onboard!).
AIS 2.0 by design does not allow IP connections. This means that critical onboard systems, such as the ECDIS charting system, engines, and power systems, that could be the target of cybercrime, espionage, and terrorism may be connected securely to shore services via AIS 2.0.
During 2025, Sternula will be conducting a worldwide demo project in collaboration with partners with an interest in utilizing the new AIS 2.0 technology.
You can sign up to be a Worldwide AIS 2.0 Demo partner. The sign-up is an indicative commitment only, since the the exact scope and costs for your involvement cannot be settled at the current stage.
Danalien 1, 2 tv, DK-9000
Aalborg, Denmark