Sternula Investment Opportunities


At Sternula, we want to save lives at sea, reduce pollution from inefficient shipping, and enable better work-life conditions for sailors. We do that by introducing a new, affordable data connection to all ships with an AIS unit and a VHF antenna. This opens for new maritime digital services that can be seen as the Ubers,, and PayPals of the oceans.

AIS 2.0 (formally known as VDES) extends the old AIS technology with new data channels that enable a range of smart digital services that can interact with critical systems on the ship bridge. And there is no need for expensive, proprietary satellite antennas and terminals, so even the little fisherman in Madagascar will benefit. By 2030, more than 500,000 vessels will be equipped with AIS 2.0. This means that AIS 2.0 will be the world’s largest maritime satellite network in terms of connected ships.

Sternula was founded in 2019 by Lars Moltsen and Stefan Pielmeier, two world-leading experts in telecommunications and New Space technology, to build and operate world’s first commercial AIS 2.0 satellite network. We lead the international community in standardizing and implementing AIS 2.0 technology. We are active in IALA, IEC, MCC, RTCM, and the new VDES Alliance, and we provide our expertise to the IMO and the ITU.

If you want to be part of our journey, Sternula is currently open for investments as an unlisted company.

Please contact Lars Moltsen, CEO of Sternula for investment inquiries.

[ |+45 25 21 46 35 ]

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