Worldwide AIS 2.0 Demo

Take part in the world’s most ambitious maritime digitalization project!

You can sign up to be a Worldwide AIS 2.0 Demo partner. The sign-up is an indicative commitment only, since the exact scope and costs for your involvement cannot be settled at the current stage.


AIS 2.0 (VDES): The future carriage requirement on SOLAS ships

AIS 2.0 is expected to be implemented in SOLAS chapters IV & V as carriage requirements in the upcoming years.

Sternula is the leading provider of AIS 2.0 connectivity with the world’s first commercial AIS 2.0/VDES satellite and we are ready to carry out tests by VDE-SAT.

AIS 2.0 (VDES, VHF Data Exchange System) is designed to enable communication between the ship bridge and maritime authorities.
AIS 2.0 has been developed as the new connectivity option
  • Affordable ship equipment
  • Global coverage via satellite
  • Extremely simple and robust

AIS 2.0 ship terminals and global coverage via satellite are now available!

Sternula’s “Worldwide AIS 2.0 Demo” project will involve many maritime authorities in parallel projects during 2025. This project will demonstrate selected digital services relevant to maritime authority operations.

Sternula is building a satellite-based infrastructure for global maritime data exchange using the new AIS 2.0 (VDES) technology, which is about to become a carriage requirement under the IMO SOLAS Convention.

AIS 2.0 will be a combined satellite and terrestrial network for data exchange with ships globally. AIS 2.0 equipment on vessels will have standardized interfaces, and it will be much cheaper to ship owners than alternative satellite-based connectivity options, making it attractive for the broader maritime industry. This means that AIS/VDES in the future will be the main channel for communication between ships and maritime. 



1. Sign up by sending an e-mail to:

2. Implement your own demo service(s), or subscribe to:

      • receive virtual Aids-to-Navigation
      • receive Navigational Warnings
      • receive AIS 2.0 Weather Bulletins

3. Equip one or more vessels with an AIS 2.0 terminal

4. Carry out your own part of the trial and present the results



1. AIS 2.0 unit (Saab R6)

2. MMS proxy unit (Sternula)

3. Your own tablet or similar to display services:

  • receive virtual Aids-to-Navigation

  • receive Navigational Warnings

  • receive AIS 2.0 Weather Bulletins



      • Vessel Traffic Service (VTS)
      • Weather/ice services
      • Engine monitoring
      • Route optimization
The sign-up for a worldwide ais 2.0 demo project is an indicative commitment only since the exact scope and costs for your involvement cannot be settled at the current stage.